(I forgot if I already posted an application so just incase)
Name: Julio Gomez
Age: 14
Email Address: (Message me for email adress)
How long you've been playing Minecraft: Since some time in early alpha (around alpha 1.4).
What you would prefer to do on an RP server: I would prefer to be a shopkeeper, guard, or possibly some sort of lumberjack
Why you want to join this server: I would like to join the server for mainly the only reason of being able to play online and interact on a role play server with other players of minecraft and not have to worry about many griefers or constantly being killed and robbed. I would also like to join the server to slowly progress to a higher rank of authority in some sort of civilization or "kindom" and at some point build my OWN sort of civilization and rule "like a king".
One random thing about you: HoW RanDOm? Nah, I'm just kidding... Or Am I? Ok well I guess... "I like Pataters and Cheese Cake".